Hillary Clinton has edge over Donald Trump on range of issues: AP-GfK poll

ap_poll_trump_vs_clinton_c0-14-4372-2563_s885x516In this April 6, 2016, photo, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO Convention in Philadelphia. A new Associated Press-GfK poll finds that Americans trust Democratic presidential front-runner Clinton more than Republican leader Donald Trump to handle a wide range of issues, from immigration to health care to nominating Supreme Court justices. (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

Julie Pace and Emily Swanson of the Washington Times published an article on April 11, 2016. Check it out here.

It has been predicted that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will be the two to make it to the actual presidential race. There is also now a prediction that Hillary will sweep the floor form right out of Trump’s feet. According to this article, more people trust Hillary than Trump. Even with all of the scandals that she has been through, she still has more of America on her side.

The newest poll form the Associated Press-Gfk asked which candidate would be better at making America Great. Even though this is Trump’s campaign slogan, people were actually in favor of Clinton. However, when questioned about economics, a few more people put their trust in Trump.

The poll also gathered information that less than 50% support Trump.

This article taught me that people are starting to envision Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton as the candidates that will go head to head. They shouldn’t be doing this because there is still time and anything can happen in this election.

The authors of this article were unbiased. They only relayed facts from the polls.

Armstrong: A whole lot of black voters still aren’t feeling the Bern


Jenice Armstrong of the Philadelphia Inquirer recently published an article on April 11, 2016. Check it out here.

Since the beginning of the race, Bernie and Hillary have been in a competition to gain as many black voters as possible. Recently Bernie Sanders stopped by Philadelphia to put his plans into action. Even before this, the Sanders’ campaign launched an ad in which several prominent activists of the black community are featured.

Even with all of these actions, the shutter of this article felt he has been long overdue. Bernie Sanders is a relatively new name nationally, let alone to the back community. On top of this, he is going against a woman who is well known and has power.

Before Sanders debuted at Temple University in Philadelphia, he actually made a pit stop at Tindley Temple United. This event was supposed to revolve around Black Lives Matter movement, however, only 250 people showed up. Even with the small crowd, Bernie had his usual passion and poise with answering questions.

This article has showed me that African-American votes are vital to Bernie’s campaign. Since his visit to Pennsylvania, the gap has started to close between him and Clinton.

I think that the author of this article was slightly biased. She spoke directly out of a personal experience and her opinion was very present.


First on CNN: Cruz launches anti-Kasich attack ad in Wisconsin

cruz-ad-facebookJumbo Theodore Schleifer of CNN wrote an article on April 4th, 2016 about a recent campaign ad for Ted Cruz. Check it out here.

After being known as the least liked man in America, Ted Cruz has now launched an attack on his opponent John Kasich. This attack involves a negative ad on TV, aimed to sway voters in the Wisconsin primary.

The ad points out that Kasich has ties to big name industries, such as Worthington Industries. This specific company fired a bunch of employees last year. “The company laid off 100 Ohioans even as the CEO cut a half-million dollar check to Kasich’s super PAC,” the spot claims. “John Kasich’s not for us.”

This negative ad is in response to the threat that Cruz feels by Kasich. Not only is he airing this ad, but he is also sending mail to people in Wisconsin, highlighting Kasich’s sketchy government record.

This article made me realize that Ted Cruz is a literal snake. It should make other people realize this too. The author was unbiased.

Trump Says Kasich Should Drop Out of 2016 Race, Calls Cruz a ‘Dirty, Rotten Cheater’

donald-trump-800.jpg Tierney McAfee of People recently wrote an article about Donald Trump’s remarks towards Ted Cruz. Check it out here.

Donald Trump is one known for vulgar language towards women and anyone who is not white. However, he stooped to a new level when he called his fellow candidate, Ted Cruz,  “dirty, rotten cheater.” Along with ruining Cruz’s name, he also campaigned across the Midwest this past weekend. “I’m going to save your Social Security! Cruz wants to cut it in half,” Trump told supporters in West Allis, Wisconsin, on Sunday night.

On top of this, Trump also brought up the incident where Cruz jumped the gun and tried to steal Ben Carson’s supporters before he even dropped out.

On top of this, (I know, there’s more) Trump bashed John Kasich for still running. He believes that he shouldn’t be allowed to run anymore because all he does is keep losing. I think that Trump is scared that Kasich is taking valuable votes away him. A spokesperson says that Trump should actually drop out because there is no way that he can beat Hillary Clinton.

This article is important because is just shows that the Republican candidates are mean and crazy. This is also what I learned from reading this piece.

The author was unbiased, only stating facts.

147 FBI Agents Are Involved in Hillary Clinton’s Email Investigation: Report

hilary-clinton-232f9484-fb8f-4969-82e7-9e1077a53bf3.jpgEvan Real of “US Magazine” recently wrote an article about the current condition of the Hillary Clinton email scandal. Check it out HERE.

It’s no secret that Hillary was given negative attention last summer when news of her controversial ways of communication came to surface. It is said that she sent and received classified information over a private sector- otherwise known as her blackberry.

She has been under fire from people everywhere. For some, this only adds to the list of wrongdoings she has been involved with. For others, this is a main reason to support her competition, Bernie Sanders.

Currently, close to 150 FBI agents are being used to investigate the scandal. They are trying to accelerate the process so that a verdict does not come out too close to the presidential election.

The Post’s Robert O’Harrow Jr. writes, “The FBI has accelerated the investigation because officials want to avoid the possibility of announcing any action too close to the election.”

This article is important because it shows that people aren’t just sweeping this issue under the rug. This is still being taken seriously and the investigation is ongoing. If Hillary were to be convicted of anything, she would most likely lose supporters.

The author of this article remained unbiased. Facts were stated without opinion or favor.


Essential Politics: The numbers show California is coalescing behind Hillary Clinton


Christina Bellantoni of the “Los Angeles Times” recently wrote an analytic article about California’s primary elections. Check it out HERE.

Many have wondered about the turn out of California’s primary election. It is neighbor to Oregon and Washington, which are liberal in nature. It also is near “red” states like Utah and Arizona.

Bellantoni has used numbers from various polls to predict who will win and who will be the overall front-runner of California. To start off, when matched up against Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton towers over them by 59%. On top of this, 80% of Bernie Sanders’ supporters say that they would vote for Clinton if he lost the nomination. What does this all mean? It means that Clinton has a pretty good shot at winning California in both the primary and the actual presidential election.

Over on the Republican side, Donald Trump leads by 30% over Ted Cruz. Bellantoni has made the observation that there are two types of Republicans: 1. The hardcore Trump fans or 2. The “I’m open to supporting anyone at this point.”

This article is important because it is a solid prediction of the upcoming primaries. California is the largest states in the country, so it has quite a bit of an impact when it comes to the actual election.

For a while I believed that Bernie would sweep the entire west coast. This article has taught me that this may not be the case.

I think that Bellantoni was biased towards Hillary Clinton. She only really focused on numbers that pertained to Clinton. She never brought up the polls for when Bernie was put up against Trump or Cruz.

Republican Leaders Map a Strategy to Derail Donald Trump


Alexander  Burns and Jonathan Martin recently published an article in ‘The New York Times’ about plans to stop Donald Trump from getting the presidential nomination. Check it out HERE.

Republican leaders are starting a 100-day campaign to deny presidential nomination. Many have realized that Donald Trump does not represent what the vast majority of Republicans stand for. This campaign will be difficult because he has gained so much momentum this part year. In fact, he has a 250 delegate lead over Ted Cruz.

Leaders claim that there is no room for error with this plan. If this does not work out, conservatives are prepared to nominate a strong independent candidate. For example, Tom Coburn, a former Oklahoma senator, is a person of interest. From the beginning, he has been against Trump, saying that he “needs to be stopped.” Rick Perry, a former Texas governor, is also being sought out as an independent candidate.

Personally, I have a belief that all Republicans are no good and align to Donald Trump. This article has proven me wrong. It shows that there a reasonable conservatives out there who have recognized the fault in Trump running. They are ready to take action and stop at nothing.

I believe that the authors of this article are unbiased. They stated nothing but facts.


Bernie Sanders Attracts Thousands to Vancouver Rally Decrying ‘Establishment Politics’

imageMike Rogoway of ‘The Oregonian’ recently wrote an article about Bernie Sanders and a rally he held on the West Coast. Check it out HERE.

It is no secret that Bernie Sanders is a tad bit short of delegates when compared to Hillary Clinton. However, there is no lack of passion in his campaign.

Among the pleathera of rallies that Sanders has held, the most recent one was in Vancouver. People lined up almost four hours in advanced to see the democratic candidate speak. He covered topics such as economic inequality, campaign finance reform, and coporate greed.

“The American people know that we have some very serious crises, and these crises are not going to be solved by establishment politics,” Bernie Sanders stated.

The crowd at the rally was especially interested when he talked about free college tuition.

Even though Sanders has some work cut out for him (he must earn 60% of the rest of the votes to beat Clinton), rallies like these show that there is still a large network support for him. Living in a world of adults that constantly shoot down Bernie and his revolutionary ideas, I have learned from this article that there is still hope for the future.

I believe that the author, Mike Rogoway, was biased in favor of Bernie Sanders when writing this article. He stated facts, but really focused on the good energy surrounding his campaign and rallies.



Poll: Trump, Clinton hold huge leads in Florida

Jim Saunders of the “Sun Sentinel” recently wrote an article about the polls in Florida. Check out the full story HERE.

Saunders basically analyzed recent polls done by Quinnipiac University in Florida. He focused on this topic because Florida’s primaries are tomorrow and things are looking bleak for Marco Rubio. As of now, Trump is ahead of Rubio with 46 to 22 percent. Saunders explained that is he doesn’t win his home state, then there is a very slim chance that he will win the overall election. Saunders did say it is possible, however, to rebound in 24 hours and beat Trump.

On the Democratic side, Hillary is leading over Bernie with 60 to 34%. Clinton beats Sanders in almost every category except for strong liberal Democrats.

I learned from this article that no one, especially politicians, can predict the future. In this case, Rubio’s plans of winning Florida will most likely not come true. This article is important because it shows that any of the top candidates could end up in the White House this year. This race is still going strong and anything can happen.

I believe that Saunders was unbiased in his article. He simply stated numbers and facts and never gave an opinion of his own.


Palin Blasts Anti-Trump Protesters for ‘Petty, Punk-Ass Little Thuggery Stuff,’ Chides Media for Being ‘on the Thugs’ Side’

Kate Scanlon of “The Blaze” wrote an article on March 14th. The piece centered around Sarah Palin insulting the protestors who caused Donald Trump to shut down how rally in Chicago. Check out the full story HERE.

It is widely known that Sarah Palin endorsed Donald Trump a couple of months ago. Through rhymes and whacky comments, it was clear that Trump was the man for Palin. In the article, Scanlon wrote about how Palin is sick and tired of anti-Trump supporters. “What we don’t have time for is all that petty punk-ass little thuggery stuff that’s been going on with those quote-unquote protesters who are doing nothing but wasting your time and trying to take away your First Amendment rights, your rights to assemble peacefully,” Palin said. She then went on to compliment Trump’s supporters, calling them smart and intelligent. She also tried to be inclusive by saying republicans, independents and Reagan democrats are what make up Trump’s support. Palin closed her piece with copying Bernie Sanders’ mantra, “We need a political revolution.”

This article shows that the endorsements that Trump has are serious. People like Sarah Palin are continuing to stick by his side and going to great measures to insult and brainwash. Reading this piece helped me to learn that Palin’s endorsement is actually real and that she is really out of her mind.

I think that Scanlon was biased towards Trump. She easily wrote about Palin’s insults, but did nothing to defend the anti-Trump supporters. If she would have wanted to write a neutral piece, she should have included quotes from the anti-Trump supporters as well.